Hildreth works full-time as a project manager at Beyond The Mag, a fashion consulting and creative firm, and lives in Brooklyn. She first downloaded TikTok in January 2020 — when, according to her, it was “embarrassing to have TikTok” — and only decided to start commenting on fashion a year later. Since then, her videos filled with unfiltered opinions on designer collections, trends, sustainability, and style have garnered her 1.4 million likes and nearly 44,000 followers. “I always joke that I can’t believe people follow me because every single one of my TikToks is like me in my pajamas at seven in the morning,” says Hildreth, whose nom de TikTok is based on a Halloween costume of the platinum-haired chef she wore during her time as an undergraduate at the University of St. Andrews (yes, the Scottish institution where Prince William met Kate Middleton). 

By: Frances Solá-Santiago