WEEK OF September 6 – 1 2, 2021

Urge to merge? Undoubtedly! This week’s starmap could usher in a promising plus-one for Fish swimming solo—or officialize things for those finning in tandem. And things could shift on a dime as early as Monday, September 6! Whether you’re looking for romance or to improve your finances, the new moon in discriminating Virgo and your dynamic-duos zone switches on the pilot light. And it really could feel instantaneous thanks to the rare meetup of passionate Mars and master manifestor Pluto! This new moon kicks off a six-month cycle where relationships can develop, deepen and thrive. The opportunities for abiding amour are, if not endless, then certainly rich! But you need to drop any protective armor you might be donning, consciously or otherwise, that’s keeping people at bay. Try to observe yourself in action. What do your facial expressions and body language convey? If you catch yourself holding back, do something in the moment to shift the energy. Interested parties WILL pick up on that!

Couples have two weeks to set some new mutual intentions for your lives or the union. Don’t be afraid to dream big. (Which is rarely a problem for Pisces anyway.) Creatively or professionally, you could meet someone this week who seems to be the missing puzzle piece for a business venture or to round out the band. But vet contenders carefully to make sure they’re in it for the long haul. If you do officialize anything, put the terms into a legal contract, clearly spelling out all the terms. Lawyer up to protect your rights and property (intellectual or otherwise). Clarity and transparency can launch this venture on strong footing.

Also on Monday, the “great benefics,” diplomatic Venus and supersizer Jupiter, air-kiss across the zodiac from your emotional and sensitive houses. Been harboring a major secret that’s costing you precious REM sleep? With Venus teamed up with spontaneous Jupiter, you may find the inspiration to spill the tea. If you want to get to know someone or deepen the intimacy with bae, you need to get a little vulnerable. This heavenly hookup leaves you feeling supported enough to take a leap of faith. You pick the time and place, but then, out with it!

You may actually be ready to shout that news from the rooftops come Friday as vixen Venus departs your “chamber of secrets” and lunges into Scorpio and your liberated, adventurous ninth house until October 7. Scorpio energy can intensify your emotions, and with Venus running off-leash, you should feel entitled to play, flirt and “dabble” to your heart’s content. Single Fish will happily swim laps for hours in the endless dating pool! Set aside any notions of “happily ever after” Hollywood endings and just enjoy the moment! There’ll be plenty of time to make any binding decisions later, after you’ve had a chance to get to know each other. Venus in your candid ninth house supports your speaking from the heart and being more straightforward about emotional issues than you’re used to. Couples can remove any filters and get real about, well, everything—which is no excuse to be mean, ever.

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